SDB is a debugger written in PHP

  • Easy to use: just one-line PHP
  • Network is not required, you can use it at your terminal
  • No performance overhead, can be used in production live debug
  • (I donot know how to translate this, but it means “SDB is strong”)


Add the following line in your code:


Run your code with -e:

php -e -d extension=swow index.php

It will show you:

  ____    ____    ____  
 / ___|  |  _ \  | __ ) 
 \___ \  | | | | |  _ \ 
  ___) | | |_| | | |_) |
 |____/  |____/  |____/

Enter 'r' to run your program

Type “r” to start debugging

Supported Commands

  1. Show all coroutine status (ps)
  2. Inspect coroutine (co id)
  3. Attach coroutine (attach id)
  4. Show backtrace (bt)
  5. Forward calling frame (f index)
  6. Set breakpoint (b)
  7. Step running (n)
  8. Continue running (c)
  9. List source codes (l)
  10. Print variable(p $var)
  11. Assign value (p $var =x)
  12. Run code in coroutine (p command0)
  13. Show variables (vars)
  14. Find zombied coroutines(z <timeout>)
  15. Kill coroutine (kill id)
  16. Kill all coroutines (killall)

Exit debugger

Type q to exit the debugger

If any coroutine is still running when exiting, you can use key combinations to call the debugger out.

The default key combination is sdb + enter, you can set this in runOnTTY():


Otherwise, the program will exit immediately.