This is automatic generated document for things in Swow\Debug\Debugger\DebuggerStaticGetterTrait class

Trait DebuggerStaticGetterTrait


Static method getCoroutineTraceDiffLevel

protected static function getCoroutineTraceDiffLevel ( Coroutine $coroutine , string $name ) : int

We need to subtract the number of call stack layers of the Debugger itself

Static method getExtendedLevelOfCoroutineForExecution

protected static function getExtendedLevelOfCoroutineForExecution ( Coroutine $coroutine ) : int

Static method getExtendedLevelOfCoroutineForTrace

protected static function getExtendedLevelOfCoroutineForTrace ( Coroutine $coroutine ) : int

Static method getSimpleInfoOfCoroutine

public static function getSimpleInfoOfCoroutine ( Coroutine $coroutine , bool $showTraceInfo ) : array{id: int, state: string, switches: int, elapsed: string, executing: (string | null), source_position: (string | null)}

Returns array{id: int, state: string, switches: int, elapsed: string, executing: (string | null), source_position: (string | null)} $simpleInfo

Static method getSourceFileContentByTrace

protected static function getSourceFileContentByTrace ( array<array{file: (string | null), line: (int | null)}> $trace , int $frameIndex , ?SplFileObject & $sourceFile , ?int & $sourceFileLine ) : array<array{line: string, content: string}>

Static method getStateNameOfCoroutine

protected static function getStateNameOfCoroutine ( Coroutine $coroutine ) : string

Static method getTraceOfCoroutine

public static function getTraceOfCoroutine ( Coroutine $coroutine , ?int $index ) : (array<int, array{function: (string | null), class: (string | null), args: array<string>, file: (string | null), line: (int | null), type: (string | null)}> | array{function: (string | null), class: (string | null), args: array<string>, file: (string | null), line: (int | null), type: (string | null)})

Returns (array<int, array{function: (string | null), class: (string | null), args: array<string>, file: (string | null), line: (int | null), type: (string | null)}> | array{function: (string | null), class: (string | null), args: array<string>, file: (string | null), line: (int | null), type: (string | null)}) $trace

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